Fuel costs can eat up to 30 percent of your trucking company’s operating costs. Finding ways to save money on fuel can help you be more profitable and environmentally conscious. Here are some tips to reduce your fuel consumption.

Know Where Your Money Is Going

Know how much you’re spending on fuel. You can’t know if your efforts are working if you don’t have a starting place. You should also pay attention to where you’re buying fuel. Watch prices. Some areas are more expensive, so find outlets where you pay less.

Drive Right

Follow the speed limit to improve fuel economy. Speeding isn’t just risky, it eats fuel. Keep an eye on traffic to avoid gear changes, which also uses more fuel. Take alternative routes to prevent being stuck in traffic. Idling isn’t good for fuel consumption, either. Rethink routes for precise directions to cut down on miles.

Think About Maintenance

Keeping your fleet in peak performance will help with fuel costs. Opt for synthetic oil that doesn’t thicken at low temperatures. Make sure tires are filled properly. Replace filters regularly. Track miles per gallon to see when your trucks are losing MPGs. Figure out what changed to make repairs instead of just losing money.

Invest in Items that Reduce Resistance and Improve Mileage

A roof fairing can reduce fuel consumption by 5 to 10 percent annually. Those savings add up. Side skirts can boost fuel economy. Aluminum wheels reduce weight, which improves fuel economy. The costs of aluminum wheels are often prohibitive. Crunch the numbers to see if it’s worth making the change. You may also want to invest in larger tanks, letting you stop for gas less and fuel up when you find savings.

Need financing for your trucking company? Elevation Financial has funding options that can help you take your business to the next level. Contact us for more information.